Friday, December 18, 2009

Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people- Kim Hubbard

OK, so if you read the title and laughed at the comic strip, then you must know what this post is about (otherwise, read the post below).

About 10 days ago, we (of Toronto or GTA) were blessed with our first snowfall. Now everyone knows the first one is always brutal; many accidents, meaning many upset drivers. What's different about this year's first snowfall? Well we are in a recession and anyone and everyone is looking for a chance to make that money. It is holiday season after all.

I know some of you reading might fall in this category: those drivers who like to take advantage of minor situations no matter how unfair and immoral it is.

On that fateful day, I had my first crash. See, a crash is too big of a word for it. Let's call it a tip, because my car was not accelerating. I was originally going at about 20 kph and decided to brake due to a red traffic light. If you know anything about anything (or some physics at least), you will know starting at 20 kph and braking means the stopping distance will be small (smaller than the space I left between myself and the vehicle in front of me).

But But But, due to the snow and the downhill slope, the co-efficient of kinetic friction was small (if you can't figure out what that means, see post below). So now my car decides it won't stop until it kisses the one in front of me. And, it did.

Fortunately nobody was injured. Just a small crack on my headlight and scratches on the car in front of me. I thanked God.

Not wanting to get insurance involved, because yes I DO have insurance, I decided I would fix the other car, so they took some info from me. We live on the same street so all was well.

Now now now, these money hungry fraudsters call me and claim they will have to replace the bumper and the price tag came to over $1000. Puhlease, I can't even spend that on myself at once. (BTW, it is in no way a fancy car). Oh oh, let me take it to my mechanic. No, it's either our dealer or insurance.

Ha Ha Ha, they thought I didn't have insurance. Well I DO and I will not let you use my money to buy your gifts, no way, no how.

Of course you can guess what happened next. They didn't and still don't want to comply. Perhaps, they don't have insurance but their STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE blinded them from reality. If you want to steal money from someone, don't be greedy. DUH!!! Next time, they'll know better I guess. And now, they have no money and nobody to fix their car cause I am certainly not going to give them MY money.

Hahaha, silly them, they thought they would get a free ride. A free ride in a fancy car.
Brownie points if you know where that line came from.

Until next time,


Sunday, November 29, 2009

If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.- Isaac Asimov

Hello to my readers (although I think there are none). It's been a while. If you do actually read my blog, then I will say that I will try to update more. I hope everyone in blogville has been well and has been doing their best to make the most of their lives.

Well, now let's get to the point of this post. KNOWLEDGE. Just regular knowing things-academically, socially, globally. It is such an essential part of true living. You can't really get anywhere if you don't know. Each day of my life, I try my best to learn something new and this might be why I love school. Knowledge comes to me and I don't have to go out searching for it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning new things, trying new foods, perfecting new skills.

Now, why is it that some people choose to be so errr stupid? I guess stupid is quite a strong word but it almost fully describes what I want. It annoys me to know someone whose mind is so hollow. The brain is the one organ that the more you put in it, the more it holds so why not take advantage of that and fill it. This is your one chance of gluttony without the fears of hellfire.

I must say, I don't have many friends. This isn't because I'm not friendly (in fact I really am) and I've got quite a lot of charisma. I know, I know, I'm tooting my own horn but really it's true. I'm friendly and I have charisma, so why is it that I don't have many friends? Well it's because I choose not to. Well not exactly. It's really because on the intellectual level, I have a hard time getting along with people in my age group.

Generally, I'm more intelligent than those in my age group. I've been told time and again that I have an old soul. I think older than my age group so it's really hard to get along. This isn't to say that everyone in my age group is dumb, no no, you are just where you should be, just not necessarily where I am.

There are really only two and half people right now that I can share things with and have them give me real important and intelligent feedback. Everyone else gives replies that makes me want to slap both them and myself for even discussing with that person. Are you asking why I say 2.5? Well the half is this guy, let's call him 10.3, he's older than me, but only says wise things half the time. The other half of the time, I really wonder what's going on in his head.

Is it so hard to know people in my age group (20-25) who know anything about anything except parties and who's dating who? Is it difficult to pick up a newspaper and learn? Is it too challenging to have conversations with deep and meaningful contexts?

I just want to be able to talk to someone who knows the slightest difference between the American and Canadian healthcare systems or even what the O in OHIP stands for.

Until next time,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cut Out the Bad Fat

There comes a point in your life when you decide it's time to stop being lazy and cut out the bad fat in your life. Now is that point for me.

I want to get healthier physically, emotionally, spiritually and even socially. I am eating right, working out, controlling my emotions and working to get even closer to God.

The hardest part though, is getting healthy socially [though lately it has been quite easy for me]. How do you know which friends are good, which ones are bad and which ones are enemies of progress? It's not always crystal clear because of the facade of smiling faces, hilarious banter and familiar experiences.

This past week I have gained quite a few life experiences because of these so-called friends. Well in the truest sense, friends are meant to help you grow so in retrospect I guess that's just what they did--just not in the most appropriate path.

I've learnt that you CANNOT trust anyone except yourself and God. I've also learnt that defending anyone might not always be the smartest move. So, I refuse to do it--again.

What do you do when a close friend of yours is not living like she should be? Basically not maturing and not trying to be all that she can [not that she should join the army]?

You do NOTHING!!

You simply allow it. I know I know I know, that doesn't make me a good friend right? WRONG. It makes me a drama-free friend and really I'm finding it easier and easier to put myself before others.

I was insulted for being what I assumed was a good friend. Hmmm, anyways, so long sucker!!! Since you want to destroy your life, I'm going to make like a knife and cut!

From now on, anyone who wants to be my friend MUST have a fully loaded resume and yes, I will be checking references.

You must be at least as smart as I am, and you must have a life goal!

Until next time,


Sunday, July 19, 2009

To Africa, With Love

I miss you

I want to come back

I want to feel your warmth

and taste the earth that born-ed me


I am clinging steadfastly

to the memories of my motherland

although the West is slowly erasing

the sounds of beating drums

of nighttime folklores


As I sip my Ovaltine and Milo

the refined and redesigned cocoa creates

a nostalgic flow through my cocoa-coloured body


I am patiently waiting

for the moment we become one,


oh Africa, I miss you

I want to come back



To Africa, with love

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I always like to know everything about my new friends, and nothing about my old ones--Oscar Wilde

Friends. New ones; old ones; good ones; bad ones.
In our lives, we constantly recycle our friends for various reasons that may or may not be apparent at the time the friendship deteriorates. All we notice is that the multiple phone calls, random+planned trips to the mall and the sharing of the same tears in different eyes comes to a halt. At times we regret letting this supposed real friendship end and other times, we are glad to be rid of the burden that this person contributes to our lives.

I've had quite a few friends that I've had to let go at one point or another for one reason or the other. I just knew that that friend's chapter in the book of my life was finished and s/he didn't make it to the next. What always comes as a surprise is when these friends are overcome by a feeling of nostalgia and try pathetically to regain some sense of what used to be.
If we were once friends and something happened that denied us the chance to continue, then I think it's almost always a waste in trying to rekindle the fire. Surely, there are times where the friendship can be restarted--if and only if it was meant to be.

So please, spare me that uncomfortable feeling and get over me...

Until next time,

Friday, July 3, 2009

Heartbreak Kid

So, I'm listening to John Mayer's "Dreaming With a Broken Heart" and I have to say I do agree that when you're dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part because you have those memories that are carved deep in your mind and there's a rush of these memories as they forcefully leave their very distinct--yet vague-- imprints on your heart.
Doesn't that hurt more than not remembering at all?

Love is such a commanding aspect of our lives right from birth. At any point in our lives, love is an ingredient that's especially important in shaping the way we live. Along with food, water, physical and intellectual stimuli, love is essential for growth and happiness.

Now I don't mean just the love we get from boyfriends or girlfriends. I mean love in general--from our parents, siblings, children and significant others. 

Love completes us and it is a substituent in the equation of our purpose on Earth. I believe God created me and I believe he created the people in my life so that I have a non-material substance that allows me to keep living. I think God allows us to love so we can know how much he truly loves us.

Love is such a beautiful thing and as comfortable the unconditional love you have/get from your family and friends is, many people want that spousal love that they feel truly completes them. Sometimes I wonder if I know what that love is. I think I might have been in love once but it's so hard to tell. Is there a time limit? Is there a standard? Is it just a feeling?

Can you really call it love if you have a hard time admitting it in front of other people? There's a profound battle in my mind about this "thing" (for lack of a better word) called love... I hope I am able to truly be confident in my belief one day..

Until next time...


Monday, January 26, 2009

Time Travel; to do or not to do?

So have you ever thought about time travel? If it suddenly became possible, would you try it? Would you condemn it? 

Personally, I don't think I would do it for the reasons most of us would want to. That is, to go back and fix mistakes. I could only do it to view events and see how they really happened.

We all make mistakes and we all have immediate urges to go back and fix them (unless of course you have sociopathic tendencies). But I feel like mistakes are just life's way of teaching us lessons. If we went back in time and fixed our mistakes or stopped them from happening, we wouldn't have memories of the lessons learned or potentially learned.

Yesterday in church, the pastor gave us 5 life principles and I think they are something to go on. With time machines, these life principles become obsolete but then we will continue to make mistakes and continue to cross the time space continuum which seems to me like it will become redundant at some point.

The 5 life lessons are:

1) Mistakes are life's lessons
2) We don't make mistakes, we learn lessons
3) A small lesson not learned will soon become a big lesson
4) An unlearned lesson will be repeated until it is learned
5) The action you take determines if you've learned the lesson

I think if we lives by these and truly practiced them, we would learn to forgive ourselves for the mistakes we've made because of the blessing that comes with them.

~ Cause there's a blessing in every lesson ~


This blog will be updated weekly and it's just to discuss my ideas on various issues chosen by me or the readers...