Friday, December 18, 2009

Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people- Kim Hubbard

OK, so if you read the title and laughed at the comic strip, then you must know what this post is about (otherwise, read the post below).

About 10 days ago, we (of Toronto or GTA) were blessed with our first snowfall. Now everyone knows the first one is always brutal; many accidents, meaning many upset drivers. What's different about this year's first snowfall? Well we are in a recession and anyone and everyone is looking for a chance to make that money. It is holiday season after all.

I know some of you reading might fall in this category: those drivers who like to take advantage of minor situations no matter how unfair and immoral it is.

On that fateful day, I had my first crash. See, a crash is too big of a word for it. Let's call it a tip, because my car was not accelerating. I was originally going at about 20 kph and decided to brake due to a red traffic light. If you know anything about anything (or some physics at least), you will know starting at 20 kph and braking means the stopping distance will be small (smaller than the space I left between myself and the vehicle in front of me).

But But But, due to the snow and the downhill slope, the co-efficient of kinetic friction was small (if you can't figure out what that means, see post below). So now my car decides it won't stop until it kisses the one in front of me. And, it did.

Fortunately nobody was injured. Just a small crack on my headlight and scratches on the car in front of me. I thanked God.

Not wanting to get insurance involved, because yes I DO have insurance, I decided I would fix the other car, so they took some info from me. We live on the same street so all was well.

Now now now, these money hungry fraudsters call me and claim they will have to replace the bumper and the price tag came to over $1000. Puhlease, I can't even spend that on myself at once. (BTW, it is in no way a fancy car). Oh oh, let me take it to my mechanic. No, it's either our dealer or insurance.

Ha Ha Ha, they thought I didn't have insurance. Well I DO and I will not let you use my money to buy your gifts, no way, no how.

Of course you can guess what happened next. They didn't and still don't want to comply. Perhaps, they don't have insurance but their STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE blinded them from reality. If you want to steal money from someone, don't be greedy. DUH!!! Next time, they'll know better I guess. And now, they have no money and nobody to fix their car cause I am certainly not going to give them MY money.

Hahaha, silly them, they thought they would get a free ride. A free ride in a fancy car.
Brownie points if you know where that line came from.

Until next time,
