Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cut Out the Bad Fat

There comes a point in your life when you decide it's time to stop being lazy and cut out the bad fat in your life. Now is that point for me.

I want to get healthier physically, emotionally, spiritually and even socially. I am eating right, working out, controlling my emotions and working to get even closer to God.

The hardest part though, is getting healthy socially [though lately it has been quite easy for me]. How do you know which friends are good, which ones are bad and which ones are enemies of progress? It's not always crystal clear because of the facade of smiling faces, hilarious banter and familiar experiences.

This past week I have gained quite a few life experiences because of these so-called friends. Well in the truest sense, friends are meant to help you grow so in retrospect I guess that's just what they did--just not in the most appropriate path.

I've learnt that you CANNOT trust anyone except yourself and God. I've also learnt that defending anyone might not always be the smartest move. So, I refuse to do it--again.

What do you do when a close friend of yours is not living like she should be? Basically not maturing and not trying to be all that she can [not that she should join the army]?

You do NOTHING!!

You simply allow it. I know I know I know, that doesn't make me a good friend right? WRONG. It makes me a drama-free friend and really I'm finding it easier and easier to put myself before others.

I was insulted for being what I assumed was a good friend. Hmmm, anyways, so long sucker!!! Since you want to destroy your life, I'm going to make like a knife and cut!

From now on, anyone who wants to be my friend MUST have a fully loaded resume and yes, I will be checking references.

You must be at least as smart as I am, and you must have a life goal!

Until next time,
