Sunday, July 19, 2009

To Africa, With Love

I miss you

I want to come back

I want to feel your warmth

and taste the earth that born-ed me


I am clinging steadfastly

to the memories of my motherland

although the West is slowly erasing

the sounds of beating drums

of nighttime folklores


As I sip my Ovaltine and Milo

the refined and redesigned cocoa creates

a nostalgic flow through my cocoa-coloured body


I am patiently waiting

for the moment we become one,


oh Africa, I miss you

I want to come back



To Africa, with love

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I always like to know everything about my new friends, and nothing about my old ones--Oscar Wilde

Friends. New ones; old ones; good ones; bad ones.
In our lives, we constantly recycle our friends for various reasons that may or may not be apparent at the time the friendship deteriorates. All we notice is that the multiple phone calls, random+planned trips to the mall and the sharing of the same tears in different eyes comes to a halt. At times we regret letting this supposed real friendship end and other times, we are glad to be rid of the burden that this person contributes to our lives.

I've had quite a few friends that I've had to let go at one point or another for one reason or the other. I just knew that that friend's chapter in the book of my life was finished and s/he didn't make it to the next. What always comes as a surprise is when these friends are overcome by a feeling of nostalgia and try pathetically to regain some sense of what used to be.
If we were once friends and something happened that denied us the chance to continue, then I think it's almost always a waste in trying to rekindle the fire. Surely, there are times where the friendship can be restarted--if and only if it was meant to be.

So please, spare me that uncomfortable feeling and get over me...

Until next time,

Friday, July 3, 2009

Heartbreak Kid

So, I'm listening to John Mayer's "Dreaming With a Broken Heart" and I have to say I do agree that when you're dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part because you have those memories that are carved deep in your mind and there's a rush of these memories as they forcefully leave their very distinct--yet vague-- imprints on your heart.
Doesn't that hurt more than not remembering at all?

Love is such a commanding aspect of our lives right from birth. At any point in our lives, love is an ingredient that's especially important in shaping the way we live. Along with food, water, physical and intellectual stimuli, love is essential for growth and happiness.

Now I don't mean just the love we get from boyfriends or girlfriends. I mean love in general--from our parents, siblings, children and significant others. 

Love completes us and it is a substituent in the equation of our purpose on Earth. I believe God created me and I believe he created the people in my life so that I have a non-material substance that allows me to keep living. I think God allows us to love so we can know how much he truly loves us.

Love is such a beautiful thing and as comfortable the unconditional love you have/get from your family and friends is, many people want that spousal love that they feel truly completes them. Sometimes I wonder if I know what that love is. I think I might have been in love once but it's so hard to tell. Is there a time limit? Is there a standard? Is it just a feeling?

Can you really call it love if you have a hard time admitting it in front of other people? There's a profound battle in my mind about this "thing" (for lack of a better word) called love... I hope I am able to truly be confident in my belief one day..

Until next time...
